Sunday, June 24, 2007



BBQ Chef Papa John

Stephen and Wendy Fowler (friends from Church)


Aunt Judy Jazlyn (cousin)....we ran out of chair! Birdie and LeeAnn in the background.
Nana and Blake

Kyle, Owen and Jordan (Jay's friends from school)

Kohl and Noah (cousin) enjoying the four wheelers!

Noah(cousin) and Kohl...A silly moment!

Jazlyn(cousin) and Blake

Hannah (cousin)

Jazlyn and Hannah (cousins)

Adam (babysat)

Olivia (babysat)

Heather and Judy

Laiken, Haily,Ashley(friends), Destiny(cousin) and Trinity

Brad and Jay

Baby Alexis (cousin)

Papa John and Grammie Way

The rain is coming....It down poured!
Caught in the rain...

Kohl getting settled in for the night...

Blake's down without a fight!

O.K. so trying to have a BBQ, visiting with family and friends and keeping an eye on four kids is quite the challenge....I am exhausted! What a great day it turned out to be. The rain held off until pretty much the end then the sky opened up...The kids had a great time playing with each other. Something we should do more often. There is nothing better than family and friends getting together. I am so glad everyone could come. Thanks!

Wish you were here Matt!

So all the company has gone home and it's time to get settled in for the night(can't wait an early night!)....until the plans change...! A SLEEP OVER! Trinity has Laiken over and Jay has Jordan over.Jay and them muscles boys!Trinity and Laiken

(next morning...monday) Here I am trying to get this blog finished. What a night! Those kids did not want to go to sleep. It was close to 1:00am before they fell asleep. Thank you to Blake and Kohl who slept in until 8:00am. I don't think I could have handled a 6 o'clock morning today!(lol) We are off to get Matt at the airport after lunch...Can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Getting ready to head to the airport, looks like a missed a great party.

see you all soon.


Greg, Alisha & family said...

Looked like a great party wish I could have partied with ya!