Saturday, October 18, 2008

This week has been pretty busy and hectic. My schedule at work got changed this week due to a couple of new training class for me at work. Wednesday Blake spent the morning at my friend Jacqui's house with her 2 girls and Thursday Matt took the day off and watched Blake while I did my other training class. So for now I am done training again but will have more work and phone calls during my shifts. I now will take calls for 3 different accounts, Gump's catalogue orders, Doctors Without Borders donation forms and AMC (Appalachian Mountain Club) memberships. That should help make the time go by faster. With any luck all this extra training will secure me a permanent position after Christmas!
Jay is still enjoy Air Cadets on Tuesdays and the lego robotics after school on Mondays and Thursdays. This Sunday is the school basketball tryouts so he will be there tomorrow at 4:00pm. Good Luck Jay!
Trinity is doing her usual, DANCING! Although she spent the entire morning singing along with videos off "Youtube" :0)
The boys had their dance classes this morning. I can't wait to see them on stage at their recital the end of May. It will be an amazing show! After their classes we drove into Westmount to Trin's other dance school that she does her troupe dancing at and paid the deposit for our trip to New York. $700 down and lots more to go.....
I have lasagna in the oven for Matt and the kids for supper tonight since I will be at work. Hopefully they will save me a piece because it is looking good!
Well I guess if I want to show to work on time I should go get ready. Matt will be waiting to switch off with the kids.
Have a great weekend!

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