Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Still in the process

Well sometimes everything doesn't go as smooth as one would wish, 2 weeks later and we are still internetless. We have severed our connection to Aliant and have moved onto Eastlink, they arrived today and were unable to get things going either. They are intending to boost the signal coming into the house so they can complete the connections and get us up and running. In the mean time we are keeping very busy with projects around the house, lots of pictures have been taken and I am sure once we are up and going Carrie will get these all on for you to see our progress. We had a great visit over the weekend from Cathy, John, Bird and Robin and surprise guests my Mom and Dad showed up with them... they can be sneaky I was surprised for sure.

We are finishing up this week and hoping to go on vacation on the weekend... if we have any steam left in us that is.


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