Saturday, December 6, 2008

Zellers Skating Party

With Jay off to his dance and Carrie at work the rest of us ventured off to the Zellers Skate Party. The skating was fun, although Blake only made it about 1/2 way through, he did skate a litte bit on his own. He provided comic relief for some of the staff up in the stands while we waited for the skate to finish.

After the skate came the pizza end and while the pizza was about 20 minutes late I don't think the kids noticed as they were having a blast hanging out with the other kids.

Than came the surprise guest, the jolly old elf made a surprise trip to the rink and deliverd some early treat bags to the kids, they were all excited with their treats and new stuffed animals *(A Zellers Skate party tradition)*

All in all we survived the night fully intact, no injuries and all kids accounted for on my end, just waiting for Jay to get back from his dance.

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