Sunday, October 14, 2007


Getting decorated for Halloween
An Eagle flying over our house while the kids were playing...
After lunch we took the kids on a long walk to the Indian Beach Park , it is about a 40 minute walk but with the kids and their bad collecting habits it took us much longer to get there...first we came across some chestnut trees and the kids broke them open and filled their pockets with chestnuts...I lost count of how many trees we actually came across getting there and then back home again...

They gathered somewhere around 200 chestnuts...

Those are pictures of the kids with their chestnuts and here is a picture of my the chestnut tree.

So here we are stopped further down the road toward the park at a burdoch bush...a how exciting this was for the they found themselves in a sticky situation. They had burdochs stuff all over themselves. What a mess!

Here Blake was amazed with them sticking to his fingers, Kohl got in on the fun and got stuck to the bush...(way to go Kohl), Jay can spell the letter J (and proud of it) and Trinity found our walk to be a bit nippy! LOL (and proud of it as well)


I just love the view...

Blake with his oversized blowie flower...
Then we heard the sound of firetrucks...and lots of them (I'm sure I turned the oven off)?! LOL
yup, I'm safe it was a parade of recue vehicle for fire prevention week...Boy they sure like parades here in North Sydney...

Well here we are...FINALLY at the park!

The kids had a great time playing and getting dirty but hey they will wash. Trinity send me down over some rocks to get her a minty green colored rock...I almost fell in a hole to get it... We could see a Cruise Ship in Sydney across the water from the park. This saved us a trip to Sydney to see it...

Finally 4 hours later we made it home just in time to make supper (chicken was already cooked) it was great and Blake tried stove top stuffing for the first time and loved it!
Dig in everyone...Supper's ready! MMM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks good enough to eat be there in hours