Sunday, January 20, 2008


We woke up this morning as the snow began to fall. We are only expecting to get 5 cm of snow this afternoon then sunny again tomorrow. Not a whole lot going on here today, Matt is working and the kids are all home for the day. Now as for yesterday that is a different story... Matt went to work late yesterday afternoon so that I wouldn't have to take the boys to the Dance School while Trinity took her tap exam, that went very well and she should get her marks back by Thursdays dance class. She was so excited that is all she talked about all day! After that it was a pretty quiet day in the Smith home. We set back and enjoyed a movie "Everyone's Hero". Then it was time to get ready for bed...let me tell you this was the most eventful part of the day. While blow drying miss Trinity's hair, I blew a few upstairs...I forgot I can't run my hair dryer along with the fireplace...ooops! So I ran down to the basement to flick the switch only I didn't know which one it was? OK I figured that one out then ran back upstairs where I saw a puddle of blood on the hallway floor and Blake standing there with his hand over his mouth....(thinking the same thing I was....TEETH?) all teeth were accounted for but he did make a good mess of his lip. Apparently he triped in Kohl's room and hit the box spring mattress on his bed. Ouch.... Got him cleaned up and Trinity's hair dryed and put them all to bed. By this time it's 9:00pm and way past there bed time anyway. Finally the house was quiet and time for a nice hot bath! AHHH how relaxing! hot water. I give up LOL So I curled up in bed and watched TV while waiting for Matt to get home. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!

I forgot to mention the reason why I was drying Trinity's hair last night. I promised her that after she did her dance exam that I would trim her hair and put in her hair color that she got for Christmas. A promise is a promise! I did this while we were watching the movie. She loves her hair, both the cut and the color. It will soon be time to get her in for her Birthday Pictures at Walmart. It's hard to beleive that she is going to be 8 years old :0)


jenn said...

You're making all the pictures look great!!

Poor littl guy. I hope he's doing better this morning!

Anonymous said...

Glad Blake is OK..Like Trinitys hair cut..The pictures are nice.Great Job.