Sunday, August 5, 2007


Kohl started his party a little early with having his cousin Noah come to the campground for the night ( Kohl's first sleep over) the boys had a great time! Noah was so excited to be camping with his best cousin Kohl!
The boys crashed after a long hot day in the sun, they went none stop. It's party time....
Kohl wanted an icecream cake...this was the best we could do with the heat...even the icing was melting on this cake...Look out I come!You've got to catch me first....
What a sport he is....don't worry, he got me back! Off to the shower we go... Water ballon fun...
Water balloon toss.... Even the little ones had fun with the balloons, ( Cousin Hannah)
Neice Alexis Let the games begin...the kids all took turns to see who could kick the ball the furthest....
Wheel barrel were:
Matt and Jay
Trinity and Destiny
Kohl and Noah
Carrie and Blake

Time for the gifts....

Look mom money...!

Thank you everyone for the gifts...I will buy something cool with my money!

Kohl got $80.00

Kohl had a great party this year, we had family all come to Murray Beach. We booked the shelter and had it decorated with balloons, although most of our balloons ended up getting filled with water! The kids played lots of games and some of them even got wet! It was an overall fun filled afternoon, It was nice to have the family around! Thanks for coming everyone! Looking forward to doing it again next year!

I told you I would buy something cool!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome room!! Looks like both our boys love Pirates!!