Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Taking time to relax
The yard was filled with apples that had fallen from the tree so I made a deal with all the kids that for every apple they picked up I would give them a penny. It cost me a little over $8. I will have to wait a while before we do that again...
mom helping clear out the garage and dad was in the garage hooking up a light.
We made a bit of a mess up in Jays room but I got it cleaned up Sunday night by putting in the storage rooms in the loft.The boys having fun with the hoseMatt painting the garage floor.

Nana and Papa made the long journey from Moncton to spend the weekend with us. As usuall we got a lot of work done. Dad helped Matt change the plug outlets in the kitchen then they moved the washer and dryer around in my laundry. It only took 4 trips to the hardware store. I was surprised at how patient dad stayed...or at least it seemed!LOL.
We had a small fire in the firepit Saturday night and the kids all had a swim. Sunday we got the garage emptied out and Matt started painting the floor.
Mom and Dad never know what they are going to get themselves into when they come to visit....don't worry guys, I have the list made for next time....Thanks for the visit the kids had a great time!

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