Thursday, November 20, 2008

I think it is going to start getting cold. Today was the first day that I told the kids to put on their winter jackets. It's after 9:00am and Trinity is still in bed sleeping. She has been complaining of a sore throat and she was up a few times last night. Her throat doesn't look too bad so I gave her some medicine and a throat lozenge and she went back to sleep. I told her to stay in bed and get some rest. The kids don't have school tomorrow due to parent teacher interviews so she will now have a four day weekend to get back on her feet. Unfortunately she has her 3 hour dance class tonight but we will wait to see how she feels. I don't expect her to dance but she will probably want to be there to learn the rest of the choreography.
Matt has his district manager in today so you can imagine how quickly he would like today to go by. I work tonight at 8pm then off again tomorrow and I am still waiting to hear if I got Saturday off (with pay :0) for Matt's staff party!
Well with things pretty quiet here in the house I think I will take advantage and get some house cleaning done then I might go lie down for a bit while Blake watches his movie.
I guess that is it for now, oh yeah and NO SNOW HERE....yet! Moncton I know that this morning you had snow down, I saw it Breakfast television :0) DRIVE SAFE!

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