Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Yesterday we took the kids to see Madagascar 2 at the theatre! It was a great movie which had us laughing the whole time ;0) It was great to finally find some time together as a family but our time was short because I had to work at 3:30pm. Matt had the day off so he spent the rest of the evening with the kids then got them off to bed early!

Jay had basketball practice yesterday after supper and he seems to be enjoying himself, I will have to find out when his first game will be.

I have the day off and have lots of things to get ready for dance tonight. The cookie dough fundraising is now finished and will be turned in tonight! She did awesome with the cookie dough with selling over 50 tubs with a profit of $281 and I might still buy another one from her :0) then I will be picking up 10 cases of chocolate bars! I can't get over how great everyone at work team have been giving me their empty pop bottles when I'm at work and when I'm off they save them for me for my next shift, well last night my supervisor came to me and told me that for the next 2 weeks I can take the pop bottles from the centers recycling bin to help Trinity! Now if the bags are as full as they were last night she will make some good money for her trip.

Work is going great and it is looking like I will be getting a permanent position with the company by Christmas time, Fingers crossed. Upsource is a great place to work and offer great incentives! Besides the extra $1 an hour for making all shifts they are really generous with handing out gift cards for hard work. Last Monday along with getting employee of the month I received $20 movie cards and $5 Tim Horton cert and then last night I was handed a $10 Sobeys card. What could be better than that...ok ok my permanent position, but it's coming!

well that's it for now, Matt should be back soon so I should go get ready!

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