Wednesday, November 19, 2008



Trinity and Kohl brought home their report cards this afternoon. Well I must say that I am really surprised at how well Kohl did for this first term. He has adjusted great to grade 1 and he's doing well with his speech therapy (done through school), making good progress and now being able to pronounce his "s" sounds! So how did he do on his report card????Here it is! He got 7 "A's" and 2 "B's". Trinity's report card could have been better. She did well however I know how much better she can do. She got 2 "A's", 6 "B's", and 1 "C". For her social development and work habits she got too many "usually demonstrates" rather than her usual "consistently demonstrates". She knows what she can do at and will work harder and be less chatty during class time and knows to ask questions if she doesn't understand. Trinity found the transition to grade 3 harder for some reason but I'm sure she will do much better next term. So that is that until March!

Trinity had Dance Power tonight and for the first time they were taught step dancing for their dance choreography to "Dance of Call" I think that is the name of the song, something along that line. The steps are FAST but the dance is going to look great on stage. Their recital the end of May is going to be one that you won't want to miss. I will be ordering a video when the time comes,. look at me getting ahead of myself. LOL Anyway this is definitely and exciting dance year!

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