Friday, January 9, 2009


I think we are finally getting things back on track and some what organized over the last week! The kids went back to school on Monday and Thursday had their first snow day off from school.
I still have lots of pictures to share from New Years so I may as well get them posted now that I have some time. Work is keeping us busy along with the dancing but that is to be expected :0)


Grandpa and his 2 favorite puppies! Breigh is the pup up in Grandpa's face and Bel is curled up beside him!

Bel taking it easy...probably after her and Breigh were chasing each other around the house! It was great to see these two finally getting along.


We spent New Year's Eve spending time with Matt's parents and friends. There was a good crowd of people and the kids were excited to be part of the celebration this year! We had three tables set up so there was a variety of things to do....Jay and Trin joined in at the Domino table with the adults, they weren't into playing cards at Grandpa's table and Matt and I entertained Kohl and Blake with some game that Grandma got Blake for Christmas. Everyone had fun, ate LOTS of food and celebrated the New Year together!


Late New Year's Eve we were visited by a blizzard which ended up keeping us stranded for an extra day in Amherst, not complaining any it was nice to be able to spend the extra day visiting with nowhere to go! The kids got out to play but it was cold and they had to face the blowing snow and snow drifts!

Breigh enjoyed being out in the snow, although she didn't stay out long until the kids went out to play! Poor little thing, I thought she was going to blow away LOL!

Blake and Breigh tackling the snow drift!!!!! Although I think it looks more like Breigh (puppy) tackling Blake! :0)

Jay, Trinity and Kohl took shelter from the wind along the side of Grandma and Grandpa's house!

Matt and Kohl digging shelter from the storm, Jay is out there someone probably hiding in his cave!

Blake had enough and came in shortly after going out!


Kohl and Trinity had show and tell this week at school so Kohl took in his big D-Rex dinosaur to show the class. Everyone loved it and couldn't wait to have their turn playing with it! Trinity of course took her new pink camera and got lots of pictures. I will share some of her pictures that she has taken over the Christmas Break!

Jay striking a pose LOL, what a kid!

Trinity and some of her friends from her class!

Trinity, Rebecca, Jessica and Allisa

Ignore the green eyes on Breigh, I didn't have time to fix them..... What a day we had with her on Wednesday. Everything was going wrong this day including sitter arrangements so that I could get to work on time. Anyway, this is some of the mess I found when I got back from picking the kids up at school. She had only been home alone for 30 minutes but she sure kept herself busy. She had garbage spread right through the house , what a mess but when I walked through the door I knew that something was up by her behaviour. She quickly ran and hid under the stool in the kitchen and wouldn't come out. Later she chewed a hole in Kohl's comforter, then "P'd" on the floor right by the door and the list goes on. Before I went to work at 8pm I had grounded the pup to her leash. She didn't complain and curled up and slept most of the night! I think maybe she learned a lesson. Yeah right, I think not!

That's it for now I have to go get Miss Trinity ready for another dance class. Yep a new class. This one is a lyrical production called "SEASONS" She is really excited!

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