Wednesday, January 14, 2009



What a messy day we had! We woke up to a fair amount of snow which turned to heavy rain not long after we got up. The kids got the day off from school and had a very busy day. They went outside with Matt this morning (only had to be at work for noon) and helped shovel the driveway. It was heavy from all the rain but they got the job done. When they finished Matt took them (and the dog) to the backyard to work on their snow fort (the kids have been waiting for good packy snow!) They had a blast and got totally soaked :0) I got them to come in to dry off and warm up with some hot chocolate then Matt was off to work.


We had a quiet afternoon with movies but then we were dressed and back outside! At least this time it wasn't raining :0) We got the walls to the snow fort finished and hoping that with the really cold temperatures ahead the walls will freeze and be good and strong! It is starting to get really cold and windy here now and the roads look like a sheet of ice :0( Matt should be home in a little bit , hopefully they get the roads salted in the meantime!



Sunday, Kohl went to his friend Jenah's birthday party! It was held at the bowling alley right up the street from us. Kohl was really excited to go, he has been wanting to go bowling for quite some time now and all he talked about from the day he got the invitation until Sunday afternoon as we were going out the door was this bowling party. He had a great time and turns out to be a pretty good little bowler!


Anonymous said...

wow lots of snow i love the snow fort great idea lots of parties for the kids bowling looks fun after all the snow hot chocolate yummy all my love nana

Anonymous said...

To Kohl,
Mom thinks you are a pretty good bowler. Next time you are in Amherst let's try to get a little challenge string in at the bowling lanes.
Do you think I'll need a handcapped score to get a head of you, Love Grandma Jean

Anonymous said...

I love the idea with the trampoline can't wait till we get more snow .. lol


jenn said...

I wanna come play in the snow fort! That is so cool!!!!!