Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I didn't have to call 911 but.........

I was sitting here at the laptop in the kitchen and for at least an hour I thought I was smelling something...sure we just finished making supper a little while back and the bathroom not far could use a cleaning (got to love boys if you know what I mean lol) but neither one was the smell I was smelling. I was starting to get alarmed by it but being the paranoid person I am just brushed it off as being my imagination once again. A few minutes later I couldn't take it anymore and went through the house smelling for something suspicious and thought it was something electrical and narrowed it down to the living room. I quickly unplugged everything and waiting and thought that the smell was going away so back to the laptop I came :0) then my son came in and mentioned that he was smelling something so I quickly headed back to the living room and the smell was could this be I unplugged everything so being me once again started to come up with conclusions that an electrical fire or something must be starting in the walls or ceiling being an 80 year old it could have been possible right...ok now don't panic yet I kept telling myself. In a panic at this point I called Matt at work to come home and in the meantime I called my dad to ask him what I should do. He sent me on a smelling hunt once again of the house and checked both electrical boxes...everything was fine and no smoke in the air, so back to the living room and it was stronger. I narrowed the smell down near the radiator and the lamp but they seemed fine then ..... ah ha! The adaptor to Blake's v smile game was pushed under the couch and had been plugged in for God knows how many days and over heated and was starting to melt the adaptor and the extension cord. I got hot fingers picking it up but luckily they didn't get burned. The panic was over before Matt arrived home and by then I was laughing about it. The smell is finally gone but now I am suffering from a headache and feeling a bit nauseous, hopefully some fresh air and Advil will help so I can get the kids off to bed and hop on the treadmill. The scare is over and my heart rate is finally coming least for now lol

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