Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Ok so here we at our official weigh in day and I first of all have to say how proud I am of Matt. He weighed in last night with a loss of 4.2 lbs since Thursday. He started over with his results because he lost track somewhere along the line but his previous weight loss was around 10 lbs. He has stuck with the running on the treadmill and we are both watching what we are eating.
So back to ME! I am totally lost with my weight results. I was down 4 lbs at our last weigh in but since then with all the running on the treadmill and getting a new scale my weight went up and I am not sure of my exact weight number with the new scale. I somehow have it set that it was 143.6lbs but I do remember commenting to hubby about seeing numbers of 147. something? So anyway I weighed in this morning at 144.2 lbs which is down from the other day at 144.4 lbs so there are results not to mention the 1/2 inch I lost off my legs! Next week I will have a better idea at where I am.

WEEK 1 - DAY 7

UPDATED {10:30pm}


Today total workout...

# of times on treadmill (3)

Time - 15 minutes
Fat calories burned -46.9
Calories burned - 150

Time - 60 minutes
Fat calories - 166
Calories burned - 681

Time - 94 minutes.......................=................169 minutes

Fat calories - 234.........................=................446.9

Calories - 750...............................=................1431! wow!

20 lower
20 upper


Anonymous said...

Carrie start by measuring your arms, waist, hips and calves. You will loose inches first and your weight will go up as the muscle increases. Around week 4 of running/walking on the treadmill vary your routine in some way or your muscles will start to retain a "memory" and they won't burn fat as effectively.
I'm still using alot of what I learnt from working at GoodLife!

Anonymous said...

Carrie your results from this day are amazing! Keep up the hard work! Gotta love the treadmill :)

I agree with what Sheila said, as your body will hit its plateau and need you to spice up your routine a bit. I'm almost at that point now. But I will keep running and running and running...I can't wait til summer so I can get out on my bike. That ought to help me out.
